Welcome to Integrity Staffing

Helping Businesses and People Reach Their Full Potential


Talk to Our Recruiters

We know you work hard. We will work just as hard to place you in the job that’s right for you – one with competitive pay and a commitment to safety in an environment that feels like a good fit. We are with you throughout the hiring process, your assignment, and beyond. 

Client Companies

Partner With Us

Integrity Staffing helps companies reduce liability and risk exposure. As the employer of record, we are responsible for workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment claims and payroll taxes. You save time in the hiring process, improve productivity, meet production deadlines and increase bottom-line profitability, freeing you to focus on growth and retention. We serve Newport News, Winchester, and Hampton Roads, Virginia, as well as the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Regions of the U.S. 

Video Overview

To Better Serve Your Business

We specialize in the following services to better your business.

Our Services

Add Flexibility to Your Workforce

When you partner with Integrity Staffing Services, you can choose from a variety of service options that can be tailored to your needs.
Workers Posing


We service all of Virginia, the Mid-Atlantic, and Gulf areas from our three locations.

Why People Choose Integrity Staffing

Integrity Insights

Updates and advice from the experts at Integrity Staffing Services.

How Skilled Trades Careers in Construction Shape the Future

Construction is more than just building structures—it’s about creating the future. Skilled trades professionals in construction play a...

Are Skilled Trades the Backbone of Industrial Innovation?

Skilled tradespeople play a pivotal role in driving progress. Whether in manufacturing, construction, or ship repair, these professionals...

Why Choose Ship Repair as Your Next Big Career Move?

Are you searching for a career that combines craftsmanship, cutting-edge technology, and long-term stability? Ship repair might be...

Awards & Affiliations

Best of Staffing Client 2022
Best of Staffing Client 2023
Best of Staffing Client 2024
Best of Staffing Talent 2022
Best of Staffing Talent 2023
Best of Staffing Talent 2024
Virginia Values Veterans
AEU Safety Award Winner
inc 5000
Top work place 2024

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